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  • Next day boiler installation

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  • Next day boiler installation

    Updated: March 5, 2023

    What is next day boiler installation?

    Nowadays, next day boiler installation is very popular in the UK. The process is very simple. You can just choose your boiler online or get a quote from us. A date will be arranged for the installation of your boiler by one of our Gas Safe registered engineer.

    You can easily get next day boiler installation by ordering your boiler before 12 pm in the cold months of winter and 2 pm during the warmer months of summer.

    We provide next-day boiler fitting nationwide in England, Wales and Scotland. So you do not have to be without heating for long, even in the cold months of winter.

    Not many boiler companies can install a boiler at such short notice nationwide. If you need a boiler, get a quote from Let’s Heat as soon as possible.

    What are the procedures of next-day boiler installation?

    There are several and different processes involved in installing a boiler. These depend on the complexity or complication your installer might face during work.

    The number of steps differs of course. For instance, replacing a like-for-like combi boiler would require fewer steps than replacing a combi boiler with a system or a heat only boiler. Changing the location of your boiler might also mean more work and extra steps.

    Aside from how complicated the work can be, three main steps are necessary for the installation of your new boiler.

    First Step: Removal of the old boiler

    Before a heating engineer can start with the installation of your new boiler, the old line will need to be removed.

    This can be made easier for me them if you clean the space around your boiler to make sure that they have an easy access to your boiler.

    If your boiler is fitted in the attic, then it should be accessible via a set of stairs and a safe walkway, and the room should be lit sufficiently. For a more complicated boiler fitting or the relocation of a boiler, the heating engineer may need to remove old pipework and radiators, before installing the new boiler.

    Second Step: The installation of your new boiler

    After the removal of the old boiler and pipework, the heating engineer will start with the installation of your new boiler and its pipework. This step might be extremely quick, depending on how much work is needed and how complex the job ahead might be. It will not take a long time if you are getting a like-for-like boiler.

    Third Step: New boiler product tour

    A product tour will take place after the completion of the installation process. A heating engineer will check to make sure that your boiler has been properly installed. Then he will show you the ropes. You will be instructed on how to use the controls, the features of your new boiler and how to set a schedule for your boiler to be turned off and on. Make sure to ask the heating engineers about anything that you might need help with. Taking notes might also help you in the long run to maintain your new heating system.

    What follows the next-day boiler installation process?

    After the installation of your new boiler, you should make sure that the heating engineer provides you with a Building Regulations Compliance certificate. This certificate confirms that the unit has been safely installed, and that the installation of your boiler has been registered with the manufacturer to validate the warranty as well. Most manufacturers request that this takes place within 30 days of installation.

    In order to keep your warranty valid, your boiler should be serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer. This means that they will inspect your boiler inside and out, checking the flue pipe, ensuring that the gas pressure is correct and checking how the boiler performs during operation.

    What is needed for next-day boiler installation?

    Installing a boiler is not something you should carry out yourself. It should be done by a fully qualified professional to make sure that it is installed safely and legally. So the first thing you will need is a Gas Safe registered heating engineer (OFTEC for oil boilers). This is all you will need to do to get a boiler fitted. Our heating engineer will often source the appropriate boiler and needed components themselves.

    If you would rather source a boiler yourself to cut costs, it is possible to do so. However, you will still need to hire a Gas Safe registered heating engineer to install your boiler.

    What are the types of gas boiler replacement?

    If you’re getting a new boiler, then you should know that there are three major types:

    Combi boilers

    • Their compact design makes them perfect for homes with limited space
    • Do not require a hot water storage cylinder or a cold-water tank
    • Unsuitable for homes larger homes with multiple bathrooms and a high demand for hot water
    • Not suitable for areas with low mains water pressure

    Regular (heat only) boilers

    • Good for homes with multiple bathrooms and a high hot water demand 
    • Perfect for areas with low water pressure from the mains
    • Suitable for homes with older heating systems that may not be able to tolerate high pressure
    • They take space since they need a cistern tank
    • A tank in the attic can freeze in winter and might cause many problems if it starts leaking

    System boilers

    • Also recommend for homes with more than one bathroom and a high demand for hot water
    • Do not need a tank in the attic
    • Internal components can make installation much easier.
    • Unsuitable for areas with low water pressure 
    • Not suitable for homes with traditional heating systems that can’t tolerate high water pressure 
    • You need to consider where to put the water tank if a system boiler is replacing your combi boiler.

    How long does it take to install a boiler?

    Some replacement boiler installation takes longer than other. Some are just more complicated than others.

    For instance, replacing your combi boiler with another combi boiler might take around 1 day. 

    Oh the other hand, converting, for example, a combi boiler to a system boiler is probably going to take 2 days.

    What are the regulations of next-day boiler installation?

    There are several building regulations that should be followed when installing a boiler. These regulations include finding an acceptable locations for the boiler to be placed, where the flue can and can’t be located, whether the right size of gas pipe has been installed, and whether the boiler has a high efficiency rating. And the list goes on.

    There are so many building regulations to follow when installing a boiler. That is why it is best to let an accredited professional do about. You will know that all of the proper regulations have been followed once you get a Building Regulations Compliance certificate from the heating engineer.

    The best way to make sure that your boiler installation follows all of the necessary building regulations is by using a Gas Safe registered heating engineer.

    When should I replace my boiler?

    Generally speaking, boilers are estimated to last around a decade (10 years). So if you’re boiler is that old, it’s a good sign that it’s time to replace it. 

    Additionally, there are other reasons as to why you should get a new boiler. These might be:

    Your boiler is old and inefficient 

    Boilers that are more than 10 years old are G-rated. They have an efficiency rating of around 70%. As a result, for every £1 you spend, 30p is wholly wasted. Modern boilers, on the other hand, are 90% efficient. 

    Your boiler is too expensive to repair

    In some cases, broken boilers are very costly to repair. Especially if you need to replace or repair parts like the PCB or the heat exchanger. In short, it might be more cost-effective for you to get a new boiler instead.

    Moving your boiler 

    If you want to change the location of your boiler, then it makes since to get a new boilers installed with a brand new warranty.

    Your boiler can’t meet hot water demands

    It might be time to replace your boiler with a new model that has a higher power output if your current boiler is unable to meet your hot water demands.

    Which boiler brand to choose from?

    We offer a variety of different boilers from different brands. You can take a look at some of the types we offer down below:

    Viessmann Boilers 

    Viessmann boilers have won plenty of awards. They have a reputation for being technically superb. 

    With its superb German engineering and simple, crisp designs, it has a 5-star reputation. Needless to say that it dominates the European boiler market.

    Worcester Bosch Boilers

    When it comes to boiler, then rest assured that Worcester Bosch is a household name. It is an award-winning boiler.

    It is the best boiler brand in the UK thanks to their excellent guarantee offer, customer service, and easily sourced parts.

    Alpha Boilers

    Over the last few years, Alpha has increased its share of the market due to it being a budget-option for many customers.

    It is a fantastic option for people who are looking for a reliable yet affordable boiler.

    Some important factors to consider for a boiler replacement:

    As has been noted, a new boiler replacement might not be that cheap. So it’s important to consider some key factors before making your final decision.

    The size of boiler you need (kW output)

    When we talk about boiler size, we do not mean its dimensions, but rather its power output. The unit of measurement, used for boilers, is the kilowatt (kW).

    To clarify, the higher the output of your boiler, the more powerful it will be. Nonetheless, it’s never a great idea to get the boiler with the highest output rating. A too high output rating would increase your energy bills. And a too low output rating will not meet your demand.

    Through counting the number of bathrooms and radiators in your home, you can find the most appropriate output rating for you. This information can also help you have an idea of the level of demand for domestic hot water and central heating.

    With this purpose in mind, we advise you to get a quote from a Gas Safe registered engineer. If you have a brand in mind, then you should check their website and guidelines. A lot of manufacturers, nowadays, offer advice on their websites.

     Here is a table to guide you through what you need to know:

    No. of bedrooms1 bath & shower2 baths & showers
    2-bedroom house26kW29kW
    3 -bedroom house29kW35kW
    4-bedroom house29kW35kW
    5-bedroom house35kW35kW

    To point out, small homes with one bathroom and little or no space for a cylinder should consider getting a combi boiler.

    Location of the new boiler

    It will cost you less if you install your new boiler in the same location as the old. Moreover, it will make the job more straightforward.

    On the other hand, you can move your new boiler to a different location if you want to. But it goes without saying that you will have to pay more. 

    The process of moving your boiler requires more work and materials. You will need a new flue installed and new pipework re-routing through your home. This process can be very messy though. 

    Energy efficiency 

    If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, save some money and keep your house warm and fuzzy, then it’s important to get an energy-efficient boiler. 

    At Let’s Heat, we offer modern A-rated boilers that can be bought with a smart thermostat in order to reduce energy wastage.

    You can save about £340 and 1,500kg of carbon dioxide a year if you replace your old boiler with an A-rated boiler and set of heating controls according to the Energy Saving Trust.

    Finance option 

    If you find yourself unable to buy a new boiler outright, then you should consider a boiler finance plan.

    If you are eligible to use boiler financing, then you will be able to pay monthly for you boiler over the course of 2, 4, 6 or 10 years.

    To sum up:                                               

    • No deposit is needed
    • You can make overpayments with no penalty 
    • The ability to spread the cost over 2, 4, 6, or 10 years
    • Interest rates from 9.9% APR


    Can a boiler be installed in a day?

    Typically speaking, a new boiler installation can take between 1-3 days. This can vary if the boiler is being relocated from one room to another, however if this is a simple boiler installation we would expect this to be completed within 1 day and no more.

    What happens when a new boiler is fitted?

    The engineer may carry out a simple chemical flush or a power flush over several hours for more intensive cleaning. After that, they will adjust the pipework, even reconfiguring it to minimise the heat loss of your boiler. In the end, your engineer will fit the boiler at the location you’ve agreed on, typically the boiler room.

    When is the best time to get a new boiler installation?

    There’s not always a right time. However, if you’re planning on replacing yours before it completely packs up, then it is recommend that you do it during the summer months. Summer time is the best because you will be less reliant on heating and hot water so the process should be pain free.

    Do they turn the water off to fit a boiler?

    As long as your boiler is in good working order, you should not have to worry about this small risk. A combi boiler should shut down automatically if it detects a drop in mains pressure or if the temperature inside the system gets too high, as would happen without a supply of cold water.

    What does boiler installation include?

    Boiler installation involves connecting to pumps, pipes to your radiators and water outlets, and your cold water mains supply. There might be connections to hot and cold water storage tanks as well. Depending on the boiler you have selected, the time and extent of the installation will vary.

    What is meant by a Condensing Boiler?

    The terms condensing and non-condensing can be confusing to people shopping for a new boiler.Presently, it is stated by law that new boilers must use condensing technology. In short, you don’t have to worry about getting a condensing boiler.Condensing is not a type of boiler, but rather technical feature. In a Condensing boiler you get a much bigger heat exchanger. They also produce additional heat from the fuel. The same fuel that would have been wasted in a non- Condensing boiler. As a result, they are more efficient.non-condensing boilers are less efficient by 50% since a lot of heat was lost in the combustion exhaust gases. On the other hand, new boilers would capture this heat and use it to heat water.condensing boilers are energy efficient by 90%. They use excess energy to heat your property. Not to mention, they are environmentally friendly and reduce your heating bill.