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    • How long does it take to install a new boiler 

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  • How long does it take to install a new boiler 

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    • How long does it take to install a new boiler 

    Updated: March 18, 2024

     This is one of the most common questions asked by clients. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact estimate on the time required. However, we can give you a rough idea of how long it takes to replace a boiler. An exact time can’t be given due to the many variables that can take place during installation.  

    Things like installing a smart thermostat, doing a chemical flush or installing a system filter can add up to the time needed to finish the job at hand. 

    How Long Does it Take to Fit a New Boiler?

    The time it takes to fit a new boiler can vary based on several factors, including the type of boiler, the complexity of the installation, and any additional work that may be required. Generally, a straightforward boiler replacement can take anywhere from a day to a few days. Here are some factors that can influence the duration:

    Boiler Type: The type of boiler being installed can impact the time needed. For example, a combi boiler installation is often quicker than a system boiler or conventional boiler installation.

    Location: The location of the new boiler in relation to existing pipework and gas supply can affect installation time. If the new boiler is being installed in a different location or requires extensive pipework adjustments, it may take longer.

    Additional Work: If there are additional tasks needed, such as upgrading pipework, installing new radiators, or addressing other plumbing or heating system modifications, the overall installation time will be extended.

    System Flush: If a system flush is required to clean the central heating system, it will add time to the installation process.

    Accessibility: The ease of access to the installation site can impact the time needed for installation. If the installation area is difficult to reach, it may require more time and effort.

    Regulatory Compliance: Installers need to comply with safety regulations and standards, which may add time to the installation as they ensure everything meets the necessary requirements.

    How long does it take to replace a combi boiler? 

    Replacing your combi boiler with another combi boiler can be a simple and straightforward task. You might need a boiler replacement if your combi boiler is too old and giving you too much trouble. A combi to combi swap would take approximately 4 to 6 hours to finish.  

    How Long Does It Take To Install A New Boiler
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    How long does it take to replace a system/ standard boiler with a combi boiler? 

    It takes about 2 days to replace a system/ standard boiler with a combi boiler. With this kind of swap, things get a little bit more complicated. When you switch to a combi boiler, the water tank of your system boiler would need to be removed.  

    As for a standard boiler, it has a separate hot water storage tank and a water feed tank that is typically placed in the attic. This would also require removing the additional tanks as well as rerouting the pipework. 

    All these tasks require time and effort and would make this kind of swap complex. This can also mean that there will be a little bit of disruption to your home during installation. We do our best to minimise any disruption as much as possible. Additional pipework and water tanks can be removed from your home. 

    Is it better to repair or replace a boiler? 

    In many cases, repairing your boiler can be the most cost effective and efficient way of getting your heating back up and running. If you have a newer boiler that’s usually reliable then it’s unlikely that you will need to replace it. However, if your boiler is old and too costly to repair, then you might want to think of boiler replacement.  

    What are the advantages of switching to a combi boiler? 

    One of the main advantages to getting a combi boiler is the extra space you will have when the water tanks are removed. What is more, combi boilers are more efficient and can save you some money on your heating bills.  

    Another adventure of having a combi boiler is that you will have hot water on demand. Combi boilers heat water when it is needed so you can’t run out of hot water. This is unlike standard boilers which may take time to heat water once you use all of it.  

    How long does it take to replace a back boiler with a combi boiler? 

    It can take about 2-3 days to replace a back boiler with a combi boiler. More than often back boilers are the most difficult to replace. Replacing this type of boiler is quite common. Parts for back boilers are mostly unavailable nowadays, so replacing them is inevitable. In addition, they are very old and inefficient.  

    Back boilers have a lifespan of 25 years. So if your boiler is that old, it might be time to replace it and move to a more efficient boiler that will not cost you so much on energy bills.  

    Because of their tricky location (behind the gas fire), they can present a challenge during the removal process. Removing them is quite the hard job and it can be costly as well. It can also prove to be messy to remove given their delicate location. Sometimes, they are only decommissioned and left where they are in order to minimise disruption.  

    Replacing your back boiler is worth the investment since you are going to get a newer and more efficient boiler. Your new boiler can save you money on your heating bills.  

    How long does it take to move my boiler to another location?

    What can add up to the time of installation is whether you want to relocate your boiler to another place. This can take up about half a day.  

    However, it largely depends on the size of your home. The further the new location is from the current one, the longer time it can take. The cost can also be higher due to the added labour that includes the moving process and the rerouting of pipes. 

    How long does it take to install a smart thermostat? 

    Smart thermostats allow you to control your heating from a distance using your smartphone. They are very useful because they can save energy and money by controlling heating throughout your home. The job of installing a smart thermostat can be an easy task as it can only take about 1 hour of installation time.  

    What are the steps of replacing a boiler? 

    • Removing the old boiler 
    • doing a power flush  
    • Upgrades or changes to pipework 
    • Fitting the new boiler 
    • Commissioning of the system 
    • Handover to the customer 
    • And finally registration 

     How long does it take to upgrade the gas supply pipe? 

    It is dictated by the Gas Safe legislation that your gas supply pipe should be 22mm thick. An older system may have 15mm pipes. When installing a new boiler, it is a legal requirement to upgrade your gas pipe. This can take about half a day.  

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. 

    How long does power flushing or chemical flushing take? 

    The aim of power flushing is to get rid of sludge and build-ups that can accumulate in your system. A machine would be connected to your system to dislodge the sludge and other materials using a high-pressure water flow, as well as using a system cleaning agent. This process can take between 2 to 4 hours.  

    This procedure is usually recommended for older systems rather than new ones. Doing this with a new system might be a waste of money as older systems are more prone to have sludge accumulating in the pipes.  

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue. 

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    What time of the year is it best to get a new boiler? 

    Without a doubt, summer is the best season to have a new boiler installed since you will not be needing hot water or heating that much. This is the case, especially, for replacement jobs which can present a challenge or take too long. However, in many cases your boiler would give you troubles in winter. That’s why here at Let’s Heat we do our best to do what it takes to finish the job as soon as humanly possible.  

    We do not recommend delaying replacing a boiler until it breaks down. Taking actions immediately can save you a lot of trouble. If it’s summer and you know your boiler is troublesome, don’t delay replacing it until it’s winter. 

    Why Let’s Heat for your boiler replacement? 

    • We’re Punctual  

    We always aim for simplicity and quality of work. Using the latest and the beat management system to schedule jobs and confirm appointments, send reminders and issue certificates and send bills. We offer next-day installations and emergency services as well. We’re very quick to respond to your call and will be at your doorstep in no time. 

    • We Care 

    Establishing a good relationship with our customers is our priority. We always take the time to understand what your heating requirements are. We do our best so as not to create any sort of disruption to your home or make so much noise.  

    • Experienced Staff  

    Our experience in the heating business has paved the way for us to expand further and provide our services nationwide. We’re very committed to our work. Our engineers are helpful and informative. They are highly skilled and have a wide knowledge of their trade. Our services include: boiler installation, maintenance, repair and boiler service plan. We work with all types of boilers: heat only boilers, system boilers and combi boilers. We install heat pumps and central heating systems. And we also provide plumbing services and much more.  

    Any more questions?

    If you have any further questions about Combi boilers, other Boilers, or anything else, please see our FAQ Page because you might find the answers there or on our News Blog.

    Check out our Gas Safe Registration or want to see our near 5 star Trustpilot rating please click the relevant link!


    How often do boilers need to be replaced?

    The average boiler can last to around 15 years given that it is well maintained and serviced. Although a yearly service can improve the lifespan of your boiler, an older boiler still has to work harder to heat your home. 

    Is it better to repair or replace a boiler? 

    In many cases, repairing your boiler can be the most cost effective and efficient way of getting your heating back up and running. If you have a newer boiler that’s usually reliable then it’s unlikely that you will need to replace it. However, if your boiler is old and too costly to repair, then you might want to think of boiler replacement.  

    How inefficient is a 20 year old boiler? 

    Non-condensing heat-only boilers which are older than 20 years might usually have 60% efficiency, with 40% of their energy being lost. This can happen because some heat is wasted in the form of hot gases released from the flue.